CHANDIGARH: Indian security forces recently arrested some pro-Khalistan extremists from Punjab, including a British national identified as Jagtar Singh Johal alias Jaggi. Along with target killings, these extremists are also known to use the cyberspace to incite youth in Punjab. Jaggi was reportedly in touch with Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) members, including chief Harminder Singh. Interrogation with members of recently busted modules hired by Sikh extremist groups in Punjab heard his name emerge multiple times. Also revealed were links of foreign-based radical extremist entities trying to revive Sikh militancy in the country.
Director General of Police, Punjab, Suresh Arora said, “One is (that the) ISI link is well established. Two, the nexus between the gangsters is providing the weapons is well established. Three, exploitation of our innocent youth by radicalising them. To misguide those sitting outside and those who are here, that is also well established.” Jaggi has also been associated with Gursharanbir Singh of the UK and Harmeet from Pakistan, for promoting terror activities. Another Khalistan Liberation Front member, Taljeet Singh, who was in touch with Jaggi while living in Glasgow, is now in jail for funding and sourcing the weapons
Despite steady protests from the UK's Indian diaspora to free Jaggi, Indian authorities remain firm that the youngster is radicalised and those supporting him, are speaking out for a terrorist. Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said, “Well, ISI is always looking for any opportunity whether it is Khalistani or anything and to disturb the peace in India is ISI's objective, so whether they were Khalistanis or not, only time will tell, but certainly the background is ISI.” Former DGP (Prisons), Punjab, Shashi Kant said, “The consistent efforts of Pakistan have been and will continue to make an attempt to ensure that somehow there is any trouble and instability in Punjab and other parts of the country.”
Several pro-Khalistan activists are running propaganda on the internet, stating Jaggi is being tortured. Officers from the Punjab police involved with the case, and their family members have received death threats.