Punjab government to honour state medal winners

Wednesday 08th July 2015 08:20 EDT

Chandigarh: In a meeting held by Punjab deputy Chief Minister Sukhbi Singh Badal, it is decided the state government will honour 3762 players with a cash prize of worth Rs 15 Crore, for earning laurels and bagging prizes in national and international sports in the last 4 years.

“Badal would give away cash awards to the tune of Rs 9 crore to 308 international medallists during a function at Ludhiana on July 16 that would include medalists in different World Cups, Asian championships, Commonwealth championships and national games,” a spokesperson said.

He further said, “In addition to this, prize distribution functions would also be organized in various districts in which cabinet ministers and Chief Parliamentary Secretaries would honour the players. On the directions of deputy chief minister, the sports department has started to bestow honour to the medal winners in senior national competitions, national school games, inter-university games and senior state championships including Paralympics.”

The sports department has selected 831 players in 2010-11, 518 in 2011-12, 745 in 2012-13 and 1,470 in 2013-14 and 2014-15 for cash prizes. Those found positive in dope tests have clearly been declared ineligible for the honour.

Net Ball and Kho Kho will be included in the sports policy, next year.

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