CHANDIGARH: Putting an end to all speculations, Arvind Kejriwal said that he would not be running for the top office in Punjab. He also strongly denied reports of him shifting to Punjab. "The Chief Minister of Punab will be a local MLA, but I will owe full responsibility for every promise made by AAP. Punjab Chief Minister can't be from Pakistan, London or France. He will be from this state only," he said. Speculations over Kejri running for Punjab CM began after AAP leader Manish Sisodia almost declared him the chief ministerial candidate of Punjab during an election rally in Mohali. "Cast your vote presuming that your are voting to make Kejriwal CM. Your vote will be in the name of Kejriwal," he had said. Meanwhile, Kejri has maintained that the party would not announce a chief ministerial candidate in Punjab, rather the CM would be elected by legislators after the polls.