AMRITSAR: Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh welcomed London Mayor Sadiq Khan's statement on the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Khan had state that the British government should apologise for the shooting that left hundreds dead. On his maiden trip to Amritsar, he had paid tributes to those who died in the ground. Reacting to Khan's remarks, Singh tweeted, “I'm sure that such an act would, to some extent, assuage the wounds of Indians who suffered the turmoil of the struggle for independence.”
Speaking to the media, Khan had said, “The British government should apologise for the Jallianwala Bagh shootings. Some people use the word 'massacre'. It was incredibly moving to visit Jallianwala Bagh. The tragedy in 1919 on Baisakhi is one we must never forget. It is time for the British government to finally apologise. Our thoughts are with all those who died.” Hundreds of Indians, all men, women, and children, were shot dead by British troops led by Brigadier General Reginald Dyer on April 13, 1919.
Given the closed walls of the premises, the victims had no place to escape as the only narrow entrance was blocked by troops. Colonial-era records put the death toll at around 400, while leaders of the country's freedom movement said over 100 were killed.