Brushing aside reports of a cabinet expansion, Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Monday said the state had a bigger challenge to fight Covid-19 pandemic. He said all his cabinet colleagues were doing good job in their respective departments to fight the pandemic. “I read it in news reports. There is no such plan,” he said. Replying to a question on Navjot Sidhu being given a bigger responsibility in the party in the run-up to the 2022 Assembly election, the CM said he is a good orator and it is for the party high command to assign any role to Sidhu. Responding to queries on Rajya Sabha MPs Partap Bajwa and Shamsher Dullo cornering the government on its alleged failure on controlling cable, sand and liquor mafia, the Chief Minister advised the MPs to concentrate on their work in Rajya Sabha and let him do his job in Punjab. The CM said he was in favour of reopening the Kartarpur Corridor provided strict social distancing norms were observed