Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has accepted Navjot Singh Sidhu’s one-line resignation and forwarded the same to the Governor, said an official spokesperson. Sidhu had sent his resignation on June 10 to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and tweeted the same more than a month later. Thereafter, he had tweeted that he would formally send his papers to the Chief Minister, in whose Cabinet he had been allocated the Power Ministry as part of a reshuffle post the Lok Sabha elections. Capt Amarinder recently said if Sidhu did not want to do his job, there was nothing he could do about it. Capt Amarinder and Sidhu have been at loggerheads since the Lok Sabha poll. It started with Sidhu’s wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu accusing Capt of blocking her Lok Sabha ticket from Chandigarh. Later, the Chief Minister blamed Sidhu for not handling his department well, which he claimed had resulted in the Congress’ “poor performance” in urban areas in the general election.