Chandigarh: Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann tied the knot with Dr Gurpreet Kaur at his home here in a private ceremony. The 48-year-old Mann and Gurpreet, who hails from Pehowa in Haryana’a Kurukshetra, completed the Anand Karaj rituals in presence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and party Rajya Sabha members Raghav Chadha and Sanjay Singh.
No Cabinet minister, MLA or any other party leader from state unit of AAP was invited for the ceremony that took place away from the media glare. Only some officials from the CMO reached the venue briefly to congratulate Mann. Cabinet ministers Harpal Cheema and Aman Arora and party MLA Kulwant Singh received Kejriwal at the Chandigarh Airport but were not part of the wedding ceremony.
Arrangements were made for about 80 guests at the CM’s Sector 2 residence.
Chadha, who was first to reach the CM's residence, shared some images on Twitter showing Mann in his usual yellow turban with a ‘kalgi’ and a gold coloured kurta-pyjama. Gupreet Kaur was dressed in red bridal finery.
According to party insiders, the wedding, solemnised according to Sikh rituals, was attended by Mann’s mother and sister and just a few guests. It is learnt that Kejriwal played the role of an elder from Mann’s family and actively participated in the wedding rituals.
This is Mann’s second marriage. He separated from his first wife in 2015 - they have two children, daughter Seerat Kaur (21) and son Dilshan (17). Gurpreet Kaur completed her MBBS from a private university in Haryana in 2018. She has two elder sisters who are settled abroad.