CHANDIGARH: The Aam Aadmi Party has announced names of five candidates in Punjab for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Party's core committee chairman Budh Ram addressed the media, saying sitting MPs Bhagwant Mann and Sadhu Singh will contest from their respective constituencies, Sangrur and Faridkot. Ravjot Singh, who had contested 2017 Assembly polls from Sham Chaurasi seat, will contest from Hoshiarpur seat. Party's Majha zonal incharge Kuldip Singh Dhaliwal will contest from Amritsar seat and Narinder Singh Shergill, who had contested 2017 Punjab Assembly polls from Mohali, has been given ticket from Anandpur Sahib seat. Ram said names of candidates for the remaining eight seats will be announced later. The AAP had won four out of total 13 seats during 2014 Lok Sabha elections.