CHANDIGARH: The Income Tax department has launched a probe into the recent auction of mining sites in Punjab, and asked the State Government to furnish details of mode of payment and bank accounts held by former employees of power and irrigation minister Rana Gurjeet.
In a letter titled “alleged irregularities in auction of sand mines,” sent to the director of mining Amit Dhaka, Lalit Bishnoi, deputy director of income tax (investigations) said, “Whereas your attendance is required in connection with the proceedings under the income tax and wealth tax Act in case of alleged irregularities in auction of sand mines.” The letter added, “You are hereby required personally to attend office at Aayakar Bhawan, Sector 2 , Panchkula, to give evidence and proof through authorised books of accounts and or other documents specified below.”
The IT department has sought the bank account details and source of money deposited by Gurjeet's four ex-employees, Kulwinder Paul, Balraj Singh, Gurvinder Singh, and Amit Bahadur. The notice also seeks details regarding four quarries at Mehadipur, Bairsal, Rampur Kalan, and Saidpur Khurd. Officials have already pointed out that a common source had deposited the money for all the four ex-employees of the minister. Bank transaction records show a certain Sahil Singhla deposited the first tranche of money for the auction bidding for the four men from his Kotak Mahindra bank account 9211334539.
All four used domain email address to correspond with the Punjab mining department and inform them on the RTGS transactions for winning the auction sites.