Sirsa (Haryana): The Panchkula police have brought two followers of Dera Sacha Sauda to prove charges against Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insan and 14 others for inciting violence after their chief’s conviction. According to reports, the two witnesses Anil Kumar and Rajesh Kumar attended a meeting of around 70-80 Dera followers in Sirsa on 17 August, where the conspiracy for arson and violence was hatched.
The two, in their testimonies, reportedly said that in the meeting, which was chaired by Honeypreet, it was decided to carry out destruction in Panchkula in case of Ram Rahim’s conviction. They added that the Dera followers were ready to shed blood to get the dera chief released. According to the report, a local court is likely to start hearing the case against Honeypreet and others on 21 December. The accused have denied the charges.
A Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Haryana police, had on 28 November filed a chargesheet against Honeypreet and the others accused in connection with the 25 August violence, which had left 41 people dead and scores injured. Honeypreet and and 11 others were charged with sedition, criminal conspiracy, and other offences under the Indian Penal Code.
Three others were charged under Section 216 of the IPC (Harbouring offender who has escaped from custody or whose apprehension has been ordered) for giving shelter to Honeypreet when she was on the run, Panchkula police commissioner AS Chawla said.
The chargesheet was filed by the SIT headed by ACP Panchkula, Mukesh Malhotra, before the court of chief judicial magistrate in Panchkula.