A plea has been moved in the Supreme Court seeking a direction to censor all future social media posts by Bollywood actress Kangna Ranaut. The plea filed by advocate Sardar Charanjeet Singh Chanderpal sought direction to instruct all social media platforms to censor, modify or delete Kangana’s posts before allowing its official release, if it results in law and order problems in India.
The plea said Kangna has made these utterances on a public platform of social media like Instagram. “This post on Instagram in short means and infers ‘Sikh farmers as Khalistani Terrorists, upholds the genocide of 1984’, means that Sikhs should be treated as a lower race like unwanted mosquitoes and they need a guru like Indira Gandhi when the eternal guru of the Sikhs is Guru Granth Sahibjee,” said the plea.
The plea seeks direction to the home ministry, IT ministry, TRAI and state police authorities of different states to take preventive action on Kangna’s social media posts.