Chandigarh: AAP last week declared Sangrur MP and former stand-up comic Bhagwant Mann as its candidate for Punjab CM, based on 93% of 21,00,000 responses received in a reality show-like telephone poll in which Congress president Navjot Singh Sidhu curiously ended up with the second highest votes.
"For many months now, people would ask me, 'Who is the groom?' I would tell them that we will give you a face you will be proud of. Bhagwant Mann is officially AAP’s CM face for the elections. We had decided to ask 30 million Punjabis about their choice," AAP chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said in Mohali before walking towards Mann to hug him.
He said some people voted for him, too, but that wouldn't count as he was never in the race. "Navjot Sidhu got the second slot (with 3. 6 per cent votes). " Kejriwal claimed all surveys suggested AAP would form the next government in Punjab and Mann was the right person to lead it. "I have a double responsibility now – the party’s faith in me and that of the people who voted for me (in the feedback poll). When I was a comedian, people would smile at the sight of me. Today, the scenario has reversed, and people begin to cry at public meetings while narrating their state of affairs. I tell them that I can only be a tool to improve their lot," Mann said.