Patiala: Even as the police arrested Shiv Sena leader Barjinder Singh Parwana, the main accused in the Patiala violence, government sources said the Centre is keeping a close watch on the situation in Punjab. In Patiala, IG Mukhwinder Singh Chhina said that Parwana was arrested from Mohali. Shiv Sena district president Shankar Bhardwaj, an aide of Sena leader Harish Singla and Gaggi Pandit, who posted hate messages on social media, were arrested too. In all, nine accused have been nabbed so far.
Parwana is one of the masterminds of the clashes, the police said. “He is accused of provoking Sikh radicals. Parwana is named in four FIRs. Known for provocative speeches on social media, he was on the Intelligence watchlist,” said a senior official.
3 top cops transferred, 3 held
A day after the clash, the government transferred top three police officers of district and ordered temporary suspension of mobile internet services in the district.
The state government moved out Patiala SSP Nanak Singh, IGP Rakesh Agrawal and SP of Patiala city Harpal Singh. As per CMO’s office, Mukhwinder Singh Chinna was appointed as the new Patiala IGP, while Deepak Parik and Wazir Singh were posted as SSP and SP of Patiala,
respectively. Chinna later said “one person has received a bullet injury, but the bullet has not been extracted as doctors claim it may prove fatal”. Police said a probe is on to identify who shot the man.
Earlier, curfew was clamped after four people received injuries during the clashes over an “anti-Khalistan march” in Patiala, hurling stones at each other. Police opened fire in the air to bring the situation under control. The clash took place outside the Kali Mata temple after Singla’s group had begun the “Khalistan Murdabad March” from the nearby Arya Samaj Chowk. Some Sikh activists who had initially gathered at Dukh Niwaran Sahib Gurdwara, marched towards the temple, a few of them seen brandishing swords. Near the temple, the two groups came face to face and hurled stones at each other, police said.