The Punjab Police have busted yet another Pakistan-backed drugs and weapons smuggling racket with the arrest of two people and a BSF constable, who was posted in Tarn Taran district. The police are working to get the kingpin, Satnam Singh alias Satta, extradited from Muscat, Oman. Declared a proclaimed offender, Satta used a fake passport to escape to Oman, said DGP Dinkar Gupta, adding that the accused had five cases of smuggling registered against him. Satta’s ill-gotten property, which he purchased in the name of his relative, at Sandhu Colony Amritsar, has been frozen, he said. The Jalandhar (Rural) Police, which busted the racket, recovered a .30-bore pistol, five live rounds and Rs 24,50,000 from the three accused – Surmail Singh, Gurjant Singh and BSF constable Rajendra Prashad.