Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal ruled out any alliance with the Congress, amid talks of a ‘mahagathbandhan’ (grand coalition) ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. At a meeting of party MLAs in Sunam, the AAP leader launched a scathing attack on the Congress, Akali Dal and BJP, saying these parties have looted the country. This was Kejriwal’s maiden visit to Punjab after tendering an apology to Akali leader and former minister Bikram Singh Majithia. Kejriwal said, “The Amarinder-led state government has failed to live up to the expectations of people in Punjab. I can teach him (Amarinder) how to govern,” he said. He invited Amarinder Singh to visit Delhi to see how government schools, hospitals and mohalla clinics work.