Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar last week lambasted Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi over his remarks that he “won’t let UP, Bihari bhaiyas" enter his state. Calling it “appalling”, Nitish Kumar sought to know if Channi was unaware how much people of Bihar have served Punjab. "This is nonsense. I am appalled at how people can say such things. Does he (Channi) not know how many people from Bihar live there (in Punjab) and how much they have served that land," he said. Kumar, however, ducked queries about criticisms aimed at Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra whom the BJP, his ally, has accused of having egged on Channi. Channi courted controversy during a rally in poll-bound Punjab by asking people not to let the "bhaiyas" of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi "rule" the state.