India's National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval said that the comments made by suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and dismissed leader Naveen Kumar Jindal have damaged India’s reputation in the sense that “India has been projected or some disinformation has been spread against the country which is far from the reality.”
Doval said, “that there is a need for us to engage with them and talk to them and convince them. And you will find that wherever we have engaged with the concerned people, both outside and inside, we have been able to convince them. When people get emotionally aroused, their behaviour is a little disproportionate.”
He said India is not going to beg with Pakistan for peace, nor will it tolerate transgression by China. He said that the remarks had led to furore in the Gulf countries and forced India to launch a major diplomatic outreach to convince the countries in the region that the controversial remarks did not reflect the views of the Indian government”.
When asked about the military standoff with China, he replied that “India will not tolerate any transgression by China and we have a long-pending territorial dispute with that country and we have made our intentions very clear to China and they are aware of of the fact”.