CHANDIGARH: Gearing up for the upcoming Assembly polls in Punjab, the BJP has planned a rally to be addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in December, along with a programme where party chief Amit Shah will address booth-level workers in the state. "We have planned a big rally in the middle of December which will be addressed by PM Narendra Modi," said Punjab BJP President Vijay Sampla. Venue for the rally is yet to be finalised. While Sampla said, "A booth sammelan will be held in which Amit Shah will be present," he added that the "date is yet to be finalised." In the sammelan, the BJP chief will address booth-level workers of 23 assembly constituencies in which there are 4,000 booths, he said. There are also plans to invite Union ministers Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj, and other senior leaders to participate in the proposed rallies.