Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declassified 100 files on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, in a move welcome by the freedom fighter's family. His death remains a mystery seven decades after he was believed to have died in an aircrash. Modi released digital copies of 100 files on the birth anniversary of Bose, at the National Archives of India, following the government's decision to declassify files.
He also launched a webportal, to release digital version the files. The leader's family members, who were present at the event, were overwhelmed and called it a “great day for the entire nation.” Chandra Kumar Bose, spokesperson of the Bose family and Subhash Chandra Bose's grand-nephew, said, “We welcome this step by Prime Minister wholeheartedly. This is a day of transparency in India. We couldn't go through all the files as of now, but what we could g through, there are only circumstantial evidence of the aircrash but no conclusive evidence.”
While two commissions of inquiry had concluded that Netaji died in a plane crash in Taipei on August 18, 1945, a third probe panel, headed by Justice M K Mukherjee, contested that conclusion and suggested that Bose was alive after that date.