M J Akbar, India's Minister of State for External Affairs, has resigned from the post following allegations of sexual harassment by several women journalists. “Since I have decided to seek justice in a court of law in my personal capacity, I deem it appropriate to step down from office and challenge false accusations levelled against me, also in a personal capacity,” said a statement issued by Akbar. “I have, therefore, tendered my resignation from the office of Minister of State for External Affairs. I am deeply grateful to the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and to the External Affairs Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj for the opportunity they gave me to serve my country,” the statement added.
Akbar had filed a criminal defamation complaint against senior journalist Priya Ramani. In his complaint, Akbar sought Ramani’s prosecution for “wilfully, deliberately, intentionally and maliciously defaming” him. Akbar cited an open letter by Ramani published in Vogue magazine last October and her tweets naming him. At least 10 women have come out with detailed accounts of their experiences of sexual harassment at his hands. The Opposition has been asking Akbar to tender his resignation since the allegations came out.