BJP candidate Kirron Kher has filed her nomination papers for the Lok Sabha elections from Chandigarh. She was accompanied by her husband Anupam Kher, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Trivendra Singh Rawat, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, and city BJP president Sanjay Tandon. A big roadshow was held before the nomination was filed. Khattar later spoke to the media and said the contest of Chandigarh would be interesting. He said people in the city were impressed with Kher's work and only she could defeat Congress candidate Pawan Kumar Bansal. Kher's roadshow began from the BJP office, passed through Sector 34 and 35, Sector 22-23, Sector 16, reached the DC office, and filed her nomination before returning officer Mandeep Singh Brar. Kher had stopped at a gurdwara at Sector 34 and offered prayers. A large number of supporters carried BJP flags in their hands and raised slogans in favour of the party during the roadshow. They also showered flower petals on Kher's caravan.