AHMEDABAD: The Aam Aadmi Party is all set to contest next year's Gujarat state assembly polls said Delhi Chief Minister and AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal while addressing a huge rally in Surat on Sunday. "The Aam Aadmi will take on the Congress and the ruling BJP in Gujarat in the Assembly polls," Kejri said.
Accusing the ruling Bharatiya Janta Party of ruining the democracy in the region, he said, "The Patidars who were demanding reservation here were shot at and killed? Why were they killed and at whose behest were they shot? They were our citizens, not terrorists. The stories that I have heard from the families of those who were killed made me cry. The politicians who ordered the firing on Patidar youth have to be punished and the people of Gujarat will punish them."
In his 30 minute speech, Kejriwal targetted BJP president Amit Shah. "The next Assembly polls in Gujarat will see a revolution. Amit Shah is on one side and the aam aadmi, who is poor, struggles for survival on the other side. But when the aam aadmi stands up, the likes of Shah will lose power. The entire Gujarat knows who is running the State. Every instruction comes from Delhi. Earlier, Anandiben refused to follow Amit Shah's instructions and she was shown the doore. Vijay Rupani has been installed as CM and he obeys every instruction and command of Shah."
In a bid to cash in on Patidar votes, the Delhi CM was all praises for 23 year old Hardik Patel, poster boy of the Patidar agitation.