NEW DELHI: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal got into a social media row with Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh, after he accused the latter of using "drug money" in his campaign. Making a jibe at the Cong leader, Kejriwal tweeted, "Sir, ppl talking in Punjab that u using (Bikram Singh) Majithia's drug money in ur campaign. Is it true? U had saved him from CBI enquiry 3 yrs back (sic)." Singh didn't take the underlying accusation lightly and was almost prompt to reply. He tweeted, "When your hopes crash from 100 to 30 & still sliding, you're bound to hallucinate & see things that don't exist." Kejri had earlier tweeted, "Sir, Badals closed corruption cases against u just a few months before elections. Why? Punjab asking what's the deal?" to which Singh had asked him to "set his own house in order before he sets his sights on Punjab" .