Indian are fuming on social media over some controversial posts targeting Kashmir by reputed multinationals. Hyundai's Pakistan dealership came under heavy fire for sharing a post on its official social media handles, extending support to "Kashmir Solidarity Day". Soon after, #BoycottHyundai started trending on Twitter, with Indians condemning the car giant's controversial stand. Now, KFC has come under scrutiny over the same reasons.
Indians are calling for boycott of KFC, the popular fast-food chain with branches across the globe. The reason for the social media boycott, which is trending in India under the hashtag #BoycottKFC, is a post shared by the eatery's Pakistan handle last year.
Boycott KFC trends in India; eatery's 2021 post on Kashmir triggers fresh controversy. "We stand together this Kashmir Solidarity Day, to realise their right to freedom," KFC PAK wrote. Making things worse, a picture of snowy mountains with overlaying text: Their cravings for freedom are heartfelt, was shared. The word Kashmir is marked with a barbed wire, signifying Kashmir is not free.
As the screenshot of last year's tweet by KFC Pakistan on Kashmir went viral, many Indians took to Twitter to express their dismay. Hundreds and thousands of users have called out the propaganda against India on the sensitive issue of Kashmir. Netizens are already pledging never to eat again at a KFC joint.
Its a planned campaign initiated by ISI to influence Kashmiris with official social media handles of different companies, but we aren't fools to fall for their propaganda.