India successfully tests new interceptor missile

Wednesday 09th November 2022 05:44 EST

India conducted the test of a new interceptor missile For Phase-II of its indigenous two-tier ballistic missile defence (BMD) system, which can intercept incoming long-range nuclear missiles as well as slow-moving aircraft.

Development of Phase-I of the two-tier BMD, which is designed to track and destroy nuclear missiles both inside (endo) and outside (exo) the earth’s atmosphere at altitudes from 15-25 km to 80-100 km for “a higher kill probability”, was completed by DRDO some time ago.

However, sources claim that the government has yet to approve its full-scale operational deployment at any crucial area. This can be the result of prohibitive expenses or even geopolitical considerations that it might spur Pakistan to build up its nuclear arsenal and take countermeasures to undermine the BMD system.

India, of course, has inducted the Russian S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile systems that can detect, track and destroy incoming strategic bombers, jets, spy planes, drones and even some intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

DRDO, on its part, is going ahead in developing the requisite technologies for a fullfledged BMD system. As per the original plan, Phase-I of the BMD system, with interceptors flying at 4. 5 Mach supersonic speeds to intercept enemy missiles, was meant to tackle hostile missiles with a 2,000-km strike range. The Phase-II, in turn, is supposed to take on 5,000-km range of missiles.

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