CHANDIGARH: Delhi police have booked former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and his MP son Deepender Hooda for alleged assault on state Congress chief Ashok Tanwar during a clash last year. The two were booked over four months after Hooda and Tanwar's supporters clashed in New Delhi on October 6.
The case was noted by the National Commission for Schedule Castes which had directed the police to register an FIR. "It took the Delhi Police over four months to register the FIR despite the Commission's directions. My fight will go on against the persons who attacked me. Those who attacked and those who conspired should be arrested. Till this happens, I will keep the fight on," said Tanwar. He insisted it wasn't a matter of revenge, but of justice.
Tanwar said people who suffered with him should get justice. "It was Hooda's PSO who attacked me. Who else do I blame for it?" He asked. "Investigation shall take place; that is a normal procedure. I had no role to play in the entire incident. I was nowhere near the spot when the clash took place. The truth will emerge in the investigation."
Meanwhile, lawmakers supporting Hooda have demanded removal of Tanwar and Congress Legislature Party leader Kiran Choudhry and said they would not attend any meetings of the two. Former union minister Sushil Kumar Shinde had exonerated Hooda and said that the differences between the warring factions need to be sorted out.