The Delhi high court last week expunged remarks made by its judge against Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla, earlier when it was hearing her petition challenging setting up of 5G wireless networks in the country on account of health hazards.
The court also reduced the fine against the actress from Rs 20,00,000 to 200,000, saying she "didn't take up 5G issue in a frivolous and casual manner". Juhi and a few others had approached the Delhi high court against 5G rollout which a single-judge bench in June termed as 'defective' and 'abuse of process of law'. The bench also noted that the suit was filed for gaining publicity and imposed a fine of Rs 20,00,000.
During last week's virtual hearing, the court also noted that Juhi volunteered to work with the Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) and feature in the programmes for empowering the marginalised section of the society. The actor thanked the court for the reduction in fine and offered to assist in any matter of public interest. "I thank you for your interest in reducing the costs imposed on me. I would like to mention that I moved the suit for relief to my immediate family as well as all citizens in the entire country," she said during the hearing.