Police arrested a woman and her son for allegedly dumping a pair of newborn twin girls of her daughter in the Bathinda branch of Sirhind Canal. Amandeep Kaur, wife of Gurpreet Singh and a mother of two girls, gave birth to twin girls at a private hospital. Acting on the complaint, police arrested Amandeep Kaur’s mother Malkit Kaur and brother Baljinder Singh for causing disappearance of the newborns. The complainant said that paediatrician had asked the woman’s family to get the newborns admitted to some other hospital as they were premature and needed medical help, but the family refused to do so. Later the mother and the brother took the newborns away. When the hospital staff asked about the twins, the mother son duo said that the newborns died and their bodies were disposed of in the canal. The hospital staff informed the police and the mother and son duo were arrested.