The Haryana Police filed an FIR against former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh over his alleged casteist remarks against Yuzvendra Chahal during an Instagram chat last year, officials said. It was during one of the instagram live sessions with Indian Vice-captain Rohit Sharma when Yuvraj made the offensive comment about Chahal. Yuvraj later apologised for the remarks. The FIR had been filed based on a complaint by lawyer Rajat Kalsan, Hansi Suprintendent of Police said. She said the case was lodged under various provisions of IPC and the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Kalsan had alleged that Yuvraj's comment had hurt the sentiments of the Dalit community, stating that a large number of people had watched the video on social media. The lawyer had also complained to Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij, who had ordered the Haryana DGP to take action in the matter. Expressing regret over the comments, Yuvraj had tweeted, “I understand that while I was having a conversation with my friends, I was misunderstood, which was unwarranted. However, as a responsible Indian I want to say that if I unintentionally hurt anybody's sentiments or feelings, I would like to express regret for the same.”