Chandigarh: The Congress leadership reposed faith in chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi and chose him as its chief ministerial face for the February 20 Punjab polls, dashing the hopes of contender Navjot Singh Sidhu. Rahul Gandhi made the announcement during a virtual rally in Ludhiana in the presence of Channi and Sidhu, both of whom hugged twice on stage in a display of bonhomie that did little to calm the PCC president's supporters in Amritsar East. Sidhu had been lobbying for the top post ever since Amarinder Singh stepped down as CM. Sources said the party had assured Sidhu of “a key role” if it forms the government again.
“The decision on who should be Congress's CM face was not taken by me, but by the people of Punjab, and I totally agree with them. They said they want their CM to be from a poor home - someone who can understand poverty and hunger. . . (It was) a very tough decision, but you people made it very easy. Punjab’s chief ministerial candidate is Charanjit Singh Channi,” Rahul said.
Amid cheers from the audience, Sidhu raised Channi’s hand, seemingly in a gesture of collective triumph. He, Channi and Rahul then got into a team hug.
Touching the stage and bowing towards the audience, Channi said, "I want to thank Punjab’s people, based on whose voice Rahul Gandhi has picked a poor person like me. I request everyone with folded hands to help fight a very big battle that I cannot win alone."
Sidhu, who spoke before Rahul and Channi, told the gathering ahead of the formal announcement that he had made peace with the Congress leadership's call on who should be the CM candidate.