CHANDIGARH: Congress candidate Gurjit Singh Aujla won the Amritsar Lok Sabha seat with a margin of 1,99,189 votes over his nearest BJP rival Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina. The by-poll was held along with the Punjab Assembly elections. The Congress candidate got 5,08,153 votes, Chhina got 3,08,964, while AAP's Upkar Singh Sandhu got 1,49,984 votes. The seat fell vacant ever since Captain Amarinder Singh resigned it last year, in protest against the Supreme Court's verdict on the Sutlej Yamuna Link canal water sharing agreement. He had won the seat by defeating the incumbent Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in a high profile battle during the 2014 general elections. Before that, it was represented by Navjot Singh Sidhu who won it on three occasions, as a BJP candidate.