Eleven Congress legislators demanded a probe against Punjab Chief Secretary Karan Avtar Singh, a day after he was stripped of his additional charge of Financial Commissioner-Taxation. A Punjab minister, nine other ruling party MLAs and a Rajya Sabha MP are blaming the state's most senior bureaucrat for alleged excise revenue losses. Some of them also alleged that his family has a 'personal interest' in the department. The crisis was triggered by a showdown between two ministers and the CS at a meeting where the state's post-lockdown excise policy was being discussed. The chief secretary was earlier relieved of his charge as financial commissioner, a day after the ministers declared that they would not attend any meeting in which the CS participated. The showdown is said to have taken place after Technical Education Minister Charanjit Singh Channi opposed any relief for liquor vend owners in the excise policy. The CS allegedly made some 'curt remarks' after Channi spoke. Following this Channi and other ministers walked out of the meeting.