Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh took on union minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal on twitter to question her great grandfather’s “lavish dinner” to General Dyer on the day of the barbaric Jallianwala Bagh massacre. The CM launched a scathing attack on Harsimrat as well as her husband and SAD chief Sukhbir Badal and his father Parkash Singh Badal, after her tweet, attacking Capt Amarinder on his visit to Akal Takht with Congress president Rahul Gandhi. The CM lashed out at Harsimrat, her brother Bikram Majithia and the Badals “playing the charade of nationalism to promote their political interests”. The minister’s remarks, he alleged, not only smacked of duplicity, but ignorance of the facts. The two leaders had engaged in twitter war on several issues earlier as well.