JIND: With almost a year until the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP national president kickstarted poll campaign in Haryana with the 'Yuva Hoonkar Rally' in Jind. Reminding everyone that Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched his campaign for the seat in 2013, Shah asked locals to give the BJP all Lok Sabha seats in the state. Shah referred to assembly polls in Meghalaya, Tripura, and Nagaland, adding that the BJP was ruling in 19 states of the country at present and would add three more states by March 3.
“I have come to say that in the 2014 polls, Haryana had given us a few seats less, but this time I want you to create a saffron wave on all 10 seats,” Shah told a large gathering. The move is significant as Jind is considered to be the political heart of the state. Jind also has a large presence of the Jat community, who are upset with the ruling saffron party for not giving them an OBC reservation. BJP had won seven seats in 2014, with the INLD winning two and Congress, one.
Shah, who arrived in a chopper, took a short bike ride to the rally venue by riding pillion behind Haryana BJP chief Subhash Barala. In his speech, he praised the Haryana government saying, “Haryana is a land of warriors, sports persons, farmers, and martyrs, and I am here to offer my respects to them. UPA could not give OROP to soldiers in 40 years but the PM accepted it within one year of coming to power. BJP has also ensured that farmers get more than the cost on their agriculture produce.”