CHANDIGARH: Punjab's ruling Shiromani Akali Dal claimed "certain" elements were indulging in "a deep-rooted and dangerous conspiracy" to weaken the Sikh community in the state. Party general secretary Harcharan Singh Bains issued a statement after the party's core committee meeting, saying, "The party feels that there is a deep-rooted and dangerous conspiracy by forces inimical to the Khalsa Panth to create confusion and sow seeds of disunity in Panthinc ranks." It also added, "These elements, operating with the help of the latest weapons of technology, are using massive misinformation and disinformation as tools in their modes of warfare to weaken the Sikh community as also to strike at the foundations of Punjabi unity. Their sustained and highly motivated campaign is aimed at depriving the Sikh masses of a credible single socio-political and religious platform. "