Chandigarh: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has sacked Sukhpal Khaira from the post of Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly and appointed Dirba MLA Harpal Singh Cheema in his place. Reacting to the move, Khaira said that he had paid the price for speaking the truth. While there had been simmering discontent between Khaira and the Delhi leadership over Arvind Kejriwal's apology to Bikram Majithia and Khaira’s remarks on “Referendum 2020”, but matters came to a head with open discord between the Punjab co-president Dr Balbir Singh and Khaira. The AAP MLAs were once again called by Manish Sisodia for their opinion on the selection of a new name and the majority of those present agreed with the name of Harpal Cheema.