Four Punjab-based terror suspects on way to Adilabad in Telangana to deliver a consignment of explosives in an Innova car with Delhi registration were arrested at Bastara toll plaza in Haryana’s Karnal district. Police have seized three improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a Pakistan-made pistol, 31 live cartridges and Rs 130,000 in cash from them. Those arrested have been identified as Gurpreet Singh, Amandeep Singh, Parminder Singh (all residents of Vinjoke village of Zira in Ferozepur district of Punjab) and Bhupinder Singh of Bhatian village in Ludhiana district of the state. Punjab DGP VK Bhawra claimed that the state police, acting on central intelligence agencies’ inputs, averted a possible terrorist attack by giving a hot chase of over 300km and getting four suspects arrested in Karnal.