Three people have been arrested by Delhi Police for their alleged involvement in the murder of Punjab youth Congress president Gurlal Singh Bhalwan. Bhalwan was shot dead in Faridkot on Feb 18, the day after the civic election results were announced. The accused have been identified as Gurvinder Pal, Sukhvinder Dhillon and Saurabh Verma, all locals of Faridkot. The murder, police said, was orchestrated by Canada-based gangster Goldy Brar. According to police, it was revenge killing over the murder of Brar’s cousin, Gurlal Brar. Gurlal, former state president of Student Organization of Punjab University (SOPU), was murdered in October 2020. Brar, through his henchmen, first eliminated gangster Rana Sidhu and then targeted Bhalwan who they suspected of supporting the rival Bhambhia gang.