Nobel Series is for knowledge, peace

Wednesday 11th January 2017 05:31 EST

The inauguration of the Nobel Prize Exhibition held on January 9, in Ahmedabad, by PM Narendra Modi, saw nine Nobel laureates among guests present. Nobel Media CEO Mattias Fyrenius gave a speech and talked about the plan that had gone into the event and the future of the partnership between the Nobel Foundation and India. "Planning for the event started almost a year ago. It was a fantastic opportunity for us as what we are trying to achieve resonates well within the Indian side. The Nobel Prize Series India-2017 is the most ambitious series of events we have ever organised outside Scandinavia," Fyrenius said.

He said the exhibitions, lectures, seminars, and round-table discussions they had planned would be spread over three centres- Ahmedabad, Delhi, and Bengaluru, "We have never before organised on this scale any event where nine laureates and most top officials of the Nobel Foundations would be present," he said. He also added that the rationale of organising such an event is that it would allow them to work on subjects in science and technology, research, literature, and peace-related topics.

Meeting of the laureates with Modi was crucial, he said. "At one level, the laureates bring with them their learning and prestige, On another, they are sincerely interested in promoting ideas and fact-based reasoning. Thus, we are trying to create a dialogue at the political level. If it can somehow affect India's efforts in this area, we and they would both be proud."

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