Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, flagged off the maiden flight under the government's ambitious 'Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik' (UDAN) scheme. Aimed at stimulating regional connectivity, the inaugural flight was flagged off by Modi from Shimla, along with the Kadapa-Hyderabad, and Nanded-Hyderabad sectors flights.
Under the scheme, airfare for an hour's journey on a fixed wing aircraft or for a 30-minute journey on a helicopter would be capped at Rs 2500, the Prime Minister's Office said. The airport at Jubbarhatti, 22 km from Shimla, is located 2196 metres above sea-level, was shut for scheduled flights since September 6, 2012. A key component of the National Civil Aviation Policy, the scheme was released on June 15.
Already 128 routes connecting 70 airports to five airlines under the UDAN scheme has been awarded by the Civil Aviation Ministry. 50 per cent seats would have a cap of Rs 2500 per hour, in all flights belonging Alliance Air, SpiceJet, Air Deccan, Air Odisha, and Turbo Megha. The government will extend subsidy in the form of viability gap funding to the operators flying on these routes. Apart from various incentives, operators of such flights would be extended viability gap funding, for which money is partly raised through a levy on flights operating in major routes like Delhi and Mumbai. Other benefits include zero airport charges for the operators and three-year exclusivity on the routes.