Media influencer dies while filming near waterfall

Wednesday 24th July 2024 09:25 EDT

Aanvi Kamdar, a 27-year-old social media influencer, tragically died after falling into a 300-foot-deep gorge. She was filming a video near the famous Kumbhe waterfall in Mangaon at the time of the accident.

According to police officials, the incident occurred on July 16 when Aanvi was out with friends. She had a significant following of 275,000 on her Instagram profile, ‘theglocajournal’.

Aanvi primarily created content on travel, tips, itineraries, cafes, and personal experiences. Professionally, she was a chartered accountant and had worked with Deloitte.

Aanvi was attempting to make a video near Kumbhe waterfall when she fell off a hillock and died. Her friends immediately alerted the authorities, prompting an extensive search. Multiple rescue teams assisted in the effort, and after six hours, she was found. Sadly, she was declared dead at the Mangaon taluka hospital.

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