The official Independence Day celebrations by the High Commission of India has been taking place at the Indian Gymkhana Club for the past 8-9 years. However this year to mark the 70th year of India’s independence, public participation along with visual art performer/painter Jignesh Patel will literally set a record - To paint the largest Indian Flag outside India. This set breaking attempt will be officiated by the Guinness Book of Records.
The UK Asian Business Council (UKABC) who is co-hosting the event in association with the Gymkhana Club is set to raise £50,000 for charity. Information about this record attempt was unveiled at a press conference at the Club a few days ago. The flag will be painted on a canvas using wooden blocks on the Gymkhana’s Hockey Pitch following which officials from the guinness book of records will give their seal of approval. Jignesh will help in preparing the wooden blocks and direct the painting for the participants. Aiming to get some 1000 public volunteers there is no age restriction to participate and participants will get certificates acknowledging their contribution from the officials of the Guinness Book of Records.
The aim is to make as many people participate in this historical event. The UKABC have requested PM Theresa May to give a statement for creating the record and expect messages of support from Lords, dignitaries and other ministers. To mark the event, they plan to print a brochure in commemoration. On the day various Indian media like Zee TV, Times Now, Aaj Tak and NDTV will be present to cover the event. The aim of the coverage is to make people in India know the record that will be created on the day and to make the event as high profile as possible.
Asian Voice spoke to artist Jignesh Patel after the press conference to know more about the painter behind this record attempt. It turns out he is no stranger to record breaking attempts. A multi award winning painter loved painting as a child who in 1995 started painting in Ahmedabad. In 2003, he did finger painted a 5000sq ft painting in Canada. In 2011, he foot painted a 16,000sq ft painting to raise money for the Japan Earthquake and in 2013, he created a painting using his mouth. He said on 21st, if he is assisted by some 1000 participants then the record breaking feat can be achieved in 30-40 minutes. So far 600 participants have registered with 340 of them showing a keen interest in taking part.
So come to the Indian Gymkhana to witness or event take part in this historic record attempt, people participating will not have to get anything, just turn up. Registration can be on the day or online