Owing to incessant rains, and looming fears of landslides, the strategic Jammu-Srinagar highway remained closed today for the second consecutive day. Department officials informed, “Incessant rain during the last 24 hours has triggered multiple landslides on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway in the Ramban sector. Keeping in view the safety of the travellers, no traffic shall be allowed to move on the highway from either Jammu or Srinagar side on Thursday.”
They added, “Intending travellers are advised to contact our control rooms in Jammu and Srinagar to know the latest status of the highway.” Shooting stones and landslides prompted authorities to closed the highway on Wednesday. The approximately 285-km route is considered a lifeline of supplies for the landlocked Kashmir Valley. Essentials like petroleum products, medicines, vegetables, poultry products and mutton are brought in through the highway.
Snowfall in the upper regions of the state, and thunderstorms in Srinagar have made lives unbearable across Jammu and Kashmir. Several parts of the state have also been experiencing heavy rainfall, leading to sharp fall in temperatures. The non-seasonal downpour is expected to affect crops, both in agriculture and horticulture. Schools and colleges are expected to remain shut all week.