The Non-Resident Gujarati Parents Day event organised by the GCCI NRG Centre saw former Chief Justice of Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi High Courts, Justice BC Patel in attendance. Speaking at the event, Justice Patel said that it was Gujaratis basic entrepreneurial quality that has been instrumental in their success abroad. He said Gujaratis have been contributing tremendously in different sectors, notably in education and business sectors. Justice Patel even called upon successful Gujarati hoteliers from the USA and asked them to invest in motels in Gujarat.
NP Lavingiya, Additional Secretary (NRI), who was the guest of honour, said, "The NRG Foundation of Government of Gujarat carries out various activities for the benefit of the community with a view to contribute towards development of the State. Among the notable activities of the Foundation was the launch of Gujarat Card wherein the NRG cardholders were provided priority treatment in Government Departments and were also eligible for other benefits." Viren Patel, Trustee, Charotar University of Science & Technology, spoke on the opportunities of NRGs in education sector in the state. He said, "The university under the parental guidance of Charotar Moti Sattavis Seva Sanstha was working in the education, research and medical sectors." He informed that of the total outlay of £15 million for the first NAAC certified private university, NRIs and NRGs' contribution was nearly 70 to 80 per cent.
Rahul Shukla, owner and CEO, White Technologies, USA, said that if businessmen were ready to invest £700,000 in urban areas or £350,000 in rural areas he or she can enter USA on Investment Visa.
Dr. Keyur Buch, CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad, speaking on Medical Tourism in Gujarat called upon the State Government for proactive and aggressive Medical Tourism as the Gujarat was far behind other States in taking benefit of economical medical services offered in the country.
Earlier in his introductory remarks, K H Patel, Chairman NRG Committee of GCCI, said that NRGs alone had made an investment of £6 billion in the State and held FDs of £500 million in the banks.