Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had quite an advice for BJP MPs from UP last week. He asked them to refrain from lobbying for transfers and postings that proved to be the bane of previous governments in the state. Modi spent almost two hours with the MPs from both houses, including ministers, as he listed out dos and don'ts.
“Refrain from lobbying for bureaucrats' transfer-posting,” Modi is understood to have said. “Previous governments had made transfer-posting a business. Refrain from doing the same.” He also asked party MPs to avoid discrimination in development work irrespective of the poll result and support for BJP. “Rather, we should be more focused on areas where the party has lost.” Following the change of government, people have frequently been talking about a massive overhaul of the bureaucracy.
The PM told MPs to allow the government to restructure the administration on merit and without political interference. The PM said there might be party workers' pressure for several works for which MPs should approach the chief minister and make suggestions as per viability. He also reiterated his appeal to party lawmakers about effective communication with common people about the welfare and development schemes initiated by the Centre and the state. “MPs could be the most instrumental in apprising people about the government's initiatives,” he said.