ABPL honours all who helped in direct flight campaign

Wednesday 23rd December 2015 04:50 EST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his recent visit to the UK, announced the London-Ahmedabad direct flight at the Wembley Stadium, with a special mention of Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice Publisher/Editor CB Patel, who had spearheaded the campaign. The first flight took off from Ahmedabad on 15 December.

An event was organised on the evening of 16th December, at the Imperial Banquet Hall (Fortune Inn Haveli), in Gandhinagar, to honour all those who helped and gave their support to the cause. All the invitees marked their presence in the gathering. Well-known singer Mayaben Deepak commenced the evening by beautifully singing a prayer and guruvandana. She sung compositions in Hindi and Gujarati throughout the evening, captivating the audience with her melodious voice. Anchor Tushar Joshi shared details about the cause, engaging the invitees in a rendezvous that made it a night to remember. Aptly summarising CB Patel's direct flight campaign he said, “main akela hi chala tha janib-e-manzil magar log ate gaye karvaan banta gaya.” It took ONE man to voice his demand. People gradually joined him and the campaign bore fruits.

Publisher/Editor of Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice, and UK coordinator of the All Party Committee for Direct Flight, CB Patel personally felicitated those who helped him with his cause. He said, “I have been living abroad for 55 years now. For me, our culture is of the essence. Our grandchildren should be acquainted with Indian culture. Narendra Modi is a person who understands true words. There are those who resent the direct flight campaign and then there are those whose interests lie in the flight's functioning. When the UK government shut down the Hare Krishna temple in Watford, even then all Hindus got together and opposed the decision. It took more than 35,000 people for the temple to successfully reopen. People in large numbers have helped us in the London-Ahmedabad direct flight campaign. Thousands of people helped us by signing our petition.”

Honouring UK's corporate solicitor and a member of the All Party Committee for Direct Flight UK, Manoj Ladwa, CB said that he is like a son to him. “The question of Manoj Ladwa is one the closest to Narendra Modi can be raised. I believe that Modi has many followers but then at the same time, he has none. He also has a lot of enemies. Modi has told Manoj that after the London-Ahmedabad flight, we should do something about Bhuj and Rajkot. First, we should work on a Muscat-Bhuj flight.” After the honour, Manoj took the mike to share a few words. He said, “CB Patel is the guidance for those living in the UK and Gujarat. CB is like a father to me. Whereever there is struggle, CB will be amongst the first to reach. CB asked me the question, but the answer depends on me. The first time I came to India was when I was 11. From London, we went to Muscat and then Mumbai. There was a flight to Porbandar from Mumbai after two days. This way, it took us 4 days to reach Porbandar. Our aim behind London-Ahmedabad flight isn't pecuniary, in fact, it is social. Our focus is to help the old, the disabled and the kids. The campaign does not end here. We still have a lot of cities in the country where we can provide direct air connectivity.”

Honouring former BJP MP Harin Pathak, CB shared that Harinbhai has constantly appealed to the Lok Sabha regarding matters of the railways and the airport. In reply, Harin said, “We should not be congratulating Harin Pathak, but CB Patel. Bhupatbhai had informed me that CB is running the direct flight campaign from London. The direct flight was initially announced and then shut down. Narendra Modi has a big hand in this flight taking off again. I may not be a member of the Parliament, but it in no way means that my work here is done. MPs and Social Workers should work hand in hand.”

CB then honoured Vejabhai Ravalia, Chairman of Seasons Hotels, Rajkot. He said, “I have not seen a person as outspoken and frank as him. This is the first time in 32 years that he has returned to Gandhinagar after leaving the legislative assembly.” Vejabhai said, “Harinbhai and Manoj said what they had to. I was 29 years old when I became a member of the legislative assembly. CB is my friend and I always bow down to his love. He started the fight for the London-Ahmedabad flight. I want to tell him that the more he keeps fighting for the right, the younger he will become.”

The committee's Gujarat-based Coordinator Bhupatrai Parekh said the direct flight campaign has created history. “CB Patel is the one who drove the campaign to success. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the commencement of the direct flight to the audience at the Wembley Stadium, UK, my chest swelled with pride.”

At the end of the event, CB expressed his gratitude towards all those present and invited all to join him for dinner.

People honoured in the event

Arjun Modhwadia, Former Gujarat President of the Congress Party

Harin Pathak, Former BJP MP

Manoj Ladwa, Corporate Solicitor and, Member of the All Party Committee for Direct Flight (UK)

Vejabhai Ravalia, Chairman, Seasons Hotels, Rajkot

KH Patel, Chairman of the NRG Foundation, GCCI Ahmedabad and India's former High Commissioner

AK Sharma, Director of Ahmedabad Airport Authority

CK Patel, Hotelier

Digant Sompura, Political Advisor, British Deputy High Commission, Ahmedabad

Vishal Sevak, RJ 94.3 FM, Bhaskar Group

Jagdish Bhavsar, School Board Chairman, Ahmedabad

Nishit Vyas, Spokesperson, Gujarat Congress Samiti

Yogesh Madlani, Assistant Manager, Air India

NP Livingia, Additional Secretary (NRI), General Administration Department

PV Antani, Director, Gujarat NRG Foundation

Kailash Sinh, Air India, Ahmedabad

Subhash Joshi, Gujarat Government

Vijaybhai Shah, NRI, Singapore

Mayaben Deepak, Singer

Tushar Joshi, Anchor

Bhupatrai Parekh, Senior Journalist and, member of the committee (Gujarat)

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