A CBI court has charged former deputy prime minister LK Advani, senior BJP leader MM Joshi and cabinet minister Uma Bharati for conspiring for the demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya in 1992. They were all, however, allowed bail on personal bonds of Rs 50,000 each. Counsel for the 12, including Advani, moved a bail application on behalf of Advani and others, which was allowed by the court.
They later, moved another application, pleading their discharge from conspiracy charges, which was rejected by the CBI judge. BJP MP Vinay Katiyar, Sadhvi Ritambara, Vishnu Hari Dalmiya, Ramjanmabhoomi Trust Chief Nritya Gopal Das, Ram Vilas Vedanti, Baikunth Lal Sharma alias Prem Ji, Champat Rai Bansal, Dharma Das, and Satish Pradhan, are amongst those named in an FIR filed after the demolition of the masjid on December 6, 1992. They stand accused for instigating the mob and conspiracy behind razing of the disputed structure.
Trial of these leaders began at a special court in Rae Bareli, while karsewaks on whom the main FIR had been lodged, were tried before a Lucknow court. The CBI court had dropped conspiracy charges against the saffron leaders in 2001, a judgement upheld by the Allahabad high court in 2010. However, the Supreme Court, on April 19, this year, revived the conspiracy charges and shifted their case from the Rae Bareli court to Lucknow court along with other accused who were booked for the actual demolition.
The apex court also directed the special CBI court to frame charges within a month from the date of production of the order before it. Hence, the CBI court is in a hurry to frame the charges and start trial on day-to-day basis in compliance of the SC direction to conclude trail in two years.