With the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections right around the corner, the BJP has sought to woo different sections of the society, making several promises in its election manifesto, including farm loan waiver, round the clock power, 7000,000 employment opportunities, and a final decision on the triple talaq case.
The manifesto released by BJP chief Amit Shah, in the presence of senior state leaders, also promised free education for girls till graduation, laptops for the youth, 90 per cent reservation for state domiciles, and other goodies. Slamming Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, Shah said the Bharatiya Janata Party will bring an "era of performing politics." "We will make Uttar Pradesh a developed state in five years," he said. Referring to the triple talaq issue that remains pending with the Supreme Court, Shah said the BJP government will seek the opinion of Muslim women in Uttar Pradesh, and accordingly approach the SC. The Allahabad High Court had in December, termed the triple talaq as "cruelty against Muslim women." The All India Muslim Personal Law Board differed with the decision, but the concept of triple talaq was attacked by Muslim women activists.
Shah also said the government would work towards the construction of the Ram temple, under the "constitutional ambit". He said a special task force would be set up to look into the charges of corruption against the Akhilesh Yadav-led government. "Ever since we were voted to power, we have given almost £25 billion to the state government for use in various schemes but nobody knows where the money has gone. I would like to ask Akhilesh Yadavji to explain the whereabouts of these funds," said Shah.
The manifesto has made promises for farmers, youth, women, and the poor sections of the society. The BJP, seeking to woo the farming community, has promised to waive off loans of small and marginal farmers and provide them loans at zero per cent interest.