A year after teenager Sushma Verma made national headlines for being the youngest PhD in Lucknow, her youngest sister Ananya has been enrolled in Class 9 at the age of four. With preparations being made to appear for the UP board exams in two years, the young one just might break her sister's record.
A local report said it was a school teacher who recognised Ananya's competence when he met her father at a market. Tej Bahadur Verma, a supervisor in Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, met a teacher from St Meera's International College, when the latter saw the girl casually pick up one of his books and start reading it fluently. The teacher immediately called both, the father and the daughter to school, where Ananya cleared the test and was cleared fit for the ninth grade. School manager Vinod Ratra said, "Ananya is even more talented than her siblings. We have sought permission for her admission to class nine from the district inspector of schools and have cited the cases of her siblings. We are confident of getting the permission and we will also ensure that Ananya gets free education in our institution."
The girl's siblings are already well known for excellent academic performance. While her brother Shailendra completed his BCA when he was 14, her sister Sushma got into a PhD programme at BBAU when she was 15. She was even recognised as the "youngest student" to clear class X by the Limca Book of Records. The youngest of the three, Ananya is all set to make a record herself if she clears her board exams before the age of seven.