Historical drama based on the true story of the last Maharaja of Punjab, Maharaja Duleep Singh, 'The Black Prince' received the Special Jury Remi Award at the 50th annual WorldFest International Film Festival held in Houston. Produced by Brillstein Entertainment, and written and directed by Hollywood filmmaker Kavi Raz, the film narrates the story of Duleep Singh, who was exiled by the British to a privileged life in England, when he was only 15.
Acclaimed singer-poet Satinder Sartaaj who marks his acting debut in the film, made for a very convincing Maharaja, and found support from a stellar cast including Jason Flemyng as Dr Login, Amanda Root as Queen Victoria, and veteran Indian actress Shabana Azmi as Maharani Jindan, the king's mother. Accepting the award, Raz said, “This powerful chapter of Indian history has been poorly documented but it is a chapter that needs to be re-examined. When I received the opportunity to be part of this wonderful journey and to share this amazing but tragic story with the world, I made a promise that I will share the epic nature of the life of the boy king of the mighty Kingdom of Punjab, but I would also share something of myself as well- my heart and my soul- what moves and inspires me.”
The world's largest independent film festival, WorldFest Houston conlcuded on Monday with the participation of 74 countries. 'The Black Prince' will release in cinemas on July 21, in English, Punjabi, and Hindi.